Top things you should not do with fire doors

Fire doors are essential components of a building’s passive fire protection system, designed to compartmentalize fires and prevent their spread. Mishandling or misusing fire doors can compromise their effectiveness and endanger lives. Here are the top things you should not do with fire doors:

  1. Prop them open: Fire doors are meant to remain closed to contain fire and smoke. Propping them open with wedges, doorstops, or other objects undermines their purpose and allows fire and smoke to spread freely.
  2. Remove or disable door closers: Fire doors are equipped with self-closing mechanisms (door closers) to ensure they close automatically in case of fire. Removing or tampering with these closers prevents the doors from shutting properly during a fire, facilitating the spread of flames and smoke.
  3. Block them: Fire doors should always be clear of obstructions to allow for easy and unimpeded operation. Blocking fire doors with furniture, equipment, or any other items can prevent them from closing properly during an emergency.
  4. Modify them: Altering the structure or components of fire doors, such as cutting holes for vents or windows, compromises their integrity and fire resistance rating. Modifications should only be performed by qualified professionals in accordance with fire safety regulations.
  5. Paint them with non-fire-retardant paint: Painting fire doors with regular paint can reduce their fire resistance and hinder their ability to withstand flames and heat. Only use paint specifically designed and tested for fire-rated doors.
  6. Neglect maintenance: Regular maintenance and inspection of fire doors are crucial to ensure they function correctly in an emergency. Neglecting maintenance, such as failing to lubricate hinges or replace damaged components, can render fire doors ineffective.
  7. Ignore signage and markings: Fire doors are often labeled with signs indicating their importance and usage instructions. Ignoring these signs or markings, such as “Keep Closed” or “Fire Door – Do Not Block,” can lead to improper usage and compromise fire safety.
  8. Use non-fire-rated doors in their place: Substituting fire doors with regular doors lacking fire-resistant properties is a serious safety hazard. All fire doors must meet specific standards and regulations to effectively contain fires and protect occupants.
  9. Neglect training and education: Building occupants should be educated on the importance of fire doors and instructed on how to use them properly. Neglecting training and awareness programs can result in misuse or misunderstanding of fire door functionality.
  10. Fail to comply with regulations: Fire door installation, maintenance, and usage must comply with relevant building codes, fire safety regulations, and standards. Failing to adhere to these regulations can result in legal consequences and, more importantly, compromise the safety of building occupants.

Post time: Jun-03-2024